Crane Hub Magazine - Issue 1

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Climate neutrality is a strategic objective that requires a comprehensive investment plan and a clear roadmap. Achieving climate neutrality by 2050 is technologically achievable. To ensure a cost-effective transformation for all stakeholders, it is essential to establish new legal frameworks and structures that support affordable construction. It is imperative for policymakers, builders, and industry leaders to collaborate on a cohesive roadmap, as planning certainty fosters a willingness to invest. Construction machines, known for their high performance, necessitate customized drive concepts that align with both the machine type and the specific infrastructure of a construction site. It is essential to explore various energy sources, including hydrogen, eFuels, and battery electrics, to ensure adaptability. The pivotal inquiry remains how energy is delivered to the construction site and efficiently utilized within the machines. The responses to this inquiry are diverse and multifaceted.

Crane Hub Magazine | 37

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